Is it too late to change the course of your life at 40? Of course it is not.

I was 40 years old when my life started again. I say started, because what happened to me after 40 had nothing to do with my previous life.

My daughter’s pancreas self-destructed, and she suddenly became an insulin-dependent diabetic child. I gave birth to my second daughter at the same time and my third one a year and a half later. My family and I moved from Chile to Newcastle. I left my job of 10 years. I went back to university. Then we moved to London.

Nothing but changes that I never expected. Because I was 40 years old, and I used to think that things didn’t change much at 40. I was wrong. Everything can change no matter how old you are. Things can change quickly, for better or for worse. If you want it to or even if you don’t want it to.

When people wonder if they can change careers at 40, move abroad, get married, get divorced, and have children. When people wonder if it is too late to change. Maybe it is too late. I’ve always been the last to do things. But shit happens anyway. And yes, you can change everything. You can also fail. But you can also fail in your 20s.

Life has been very surprising for me in the last few years. Not everything turns out great, but I wonder if everything was great before, and I don’t think so.

At a certain point, you have to let go. Let yourself go.

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